Henan Yuxin Electromechanical Equipment Swap Center

Henan Yuxin Electromechanical Equipment Swap Center
Used transformer
Business Scope:
Transformer - motor - electrical equipment
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acquisition: various models of large-scale, high-volume transformer: furnace transformer, rectifier transformer, box-type transformers, dry-type transformers, power transformers; various large motors, high and low voltage distribution cabinet, the old cable; various idle dismantle equipment and bankrupt enterprises, power plants, calcium carbide plant whole plant equipment. Swap: box-type transformer, dry type transformer, furnace transformer, various models of motor. Welcome new and old friends to inquire, negotiate. 【Integrity first, seek common development] ...See More Information>>

Henan Yuxin Electromechanical Equipment Swap Center
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  • Company Name:Henan Yuxin Electromechanical Equipment Swap Center
  • Technology Support:wangyou fengj.com
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112